Knitting Ministry
The focus is on building community, and to emphasize the spiritual aspects of this ministry: we open with prayer and close with the grace.
When the shawls are completed, they are taken up with the offering in church to receive a blessing. Shawls are given to people dealing with illness or grief, and occasionally for a happy event like a birth or christening. A card with an appropriate prayer or message goes with each one.
We meet at Sunglo and Cypress Lodge seniors homes where some of the regular prayer shawl group attendees are only there for the socializing and refreshments, and that’s part of our outreach intent. Many people donate yarn for the knitting ministry. Group members also have knitted Twiddle muffs for Alzheimer’s patients, also Boomer Caps, and Izzy Dolls, which are sent to BC, to be distributed by Armed Forces members on duty overseas, or in the case of Izzy Dolls, used as soft packing material for medical shipments, and then given to children in need.
Since Covid restrictions, the prayer shawl group cannot meet, but the knitting and crocheting continues, as does distribution.

Toonie Breakfast
St. Mary’s Toonie Breakfast provides a hearty breakfast and fellowship for our community on alternate Thursday mornings in our parish hall. All are welcome, especially those who might otherwise be eating alone. Through God’s grace, all are fed. Various food graces are on every table and members of the congregation, mingle, listen, pray as needed. While the donation of a toonie is received with thanks, none are turned away. Breakfasts are served year round, but are on hold until Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Christmas Eve Supper Outreach
St Mary’s is pleased to offer a free Christmas Eve meal to anyone who wants one. Historically, this has been to all who either came to the church hall or called for a home delivery. There are gift mugs to take home afterwards with candies, fruit and chocolate.
Senior Homes ministry
There are three seniors homes in the community of Maple Creek. St Mary’s has taken its turn in the ministerial rotation to provide services. We also provide Holy Communion to residents when we are asked.
Long term Care Ministry
Our New South-West Integrated Health Facility has three houses of Longterm Care patients. These come together for worship on Sunday afternoons. St Mary’s has a team who attend and help the patients to participate.
Diocese of Muyinga - Health centre - seeds - Bicycles
Our diocese is twinned with the Diocese of Muyinga in Burundi. It is the second poorest nation in the world. Daily wage there is 46c Canadian. As a church we have been active in supporting the diocese to build a health clinic. We have also helped to purchase bicycles for the clergy to travel around their parishes as there are few roads as most people travel by footpaths. We have also helped through sending money to purchase seed and food when crops failed one year. We had the pleasure of hosting and welcoming the Bishop of Muyinga in our community. We are looking now at helping them to equip their health centre with equipment and supplies.
Diocese of Lichfield
We are also twinned with Diocese of Lichfield. Our very first Bishop was Bishop Anson, Lord Lichfield’s son. Our ministry here is not so much financial support but one of welcome. We have hosted mission teams, clerical visitors and Bishop Ipgrave and his wife from Lichfield in our community.
Walking Group at St. Mary's Parish Hall
This small, fun loving group of ladies has been walking in the Parish Hall, Mondays & Thursdays for 6 years.We walk using a DVD program set to upbeat music.The session ends with gentle stretches.This spring, we took to the streets, walking different routes each time, as we talked, laughed, enjoyed the fresh air, sunshine, flowers ...
Our main focus is to have fun while we exercise, honouring the bodies God has given us – no pressure, no judging.We continue to grow spiritually by sharing our faith stories and praying for each other when there is a need.All ladies in Maple Creek are welcome to attend – we'd love to have you join us.Just come as you are.
Buildings and Grounds
St Mary’s has a group of volunteers who keep the church and grounds around the church looking tidy and our Cross planted with the communities in bloom flowers of the year. Which is much admired in our community. There are plans afoot for new front doors as a celebration of entry.
Burns Night Celebration
Our church family has, for over twenty years, held a Burns night in our hall. Community members look forward to the fun evening of Scottish poetry, music, and Highland dancing, celebrating Robbie Burns. As part of a fully served four course meal, the Haggis is piped in, addressed, and enjoyed with traditional accompaniments of Tatties and Neeps. A good time is had by all.

Primates World Relief and Development Fund
PWRDF is the Anglican Church of Canada’s agency for sustainable development and relief. With support of Anglicans across Canada, PWRDF partners with organizations in Canada and throughout the world working to increase healthy pregnancies and births, reduce gender inequality, relieve hunger, and break the cycle of poverty in the worlds most vulnerable communities. Against a backdrop of climate change, PWRDF strives to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
PWRDF has international development programs, responds to short-and-long-term humanitarian disaster relief at home and abroad, and PWRDF strives towards being part of the outreach and social Justice. PWRDF is working towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world.
Through the Canadian Anglican Partnership Program (CAPP) it supports a dedicated network of volunteers across Canada through communications, promotional and educational resources, and the youth council.
PWRDF believes that a grassroots, capacity-building approach is crucial in fostering a culture where communities are empowered to build their own success and well-being.
For more information see PWRDF’s website at or contact Linda Kapasky, PWRDF Parish Representative at [email protected] or call 306-661-9260